
English and Maths tuition

Winter 7+ 11+ course

7+ & 11+ Course objective: This course will explore the English and Maths syllabus with close attention to central topics to complete revision stage of private school exams in January 2018. Suitable for Forest, Bancroft’s and Chigwell school. 7+ & 11+ Course dates: November 2017 23/11, 24/11, 30/11. December 2017 01/12, 07/12, 08/12, 14/12, 15/12. …

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Top 20 UK Grammar Schools League Tables 2016

Students from our Academy have offers this year from schools highlighted in bold. Rank School (Location) Type KS4 Pupils % 5+ A*-C¹ % attain EBacc Progress 8 Score 1 The Henrietta Barnett School (London) State 92 100% 100% 0.55 2 Focus School – Coventry Campus (Coventry) Ind 13 100% 100% NA 3 Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet …

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