

Socially disadvantage children loose time

A survey has shown that the most disadvantaged children loose up to 2 years. This has come to light, since pupils receiving free school meals usually sit GCSEs 2 years later than their peers. Although government promises to close the attainment gap on a regular basis, much still needs to be done. Furthermore, there is …

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International education specialists give recommendations

A group of specialists from leading countries in the area of education has been gathered to advise the UK and Scotland specifically with potential improvements for the current situation. The main focus of the project is to help children grow into confident and responsible adults. Closing the attainment gap between children from the richest and …

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Merton Best Business Award Finalist

Thy English Academy is extremely proud to announce that we have been selected as a finalist for the Merton Best Business Award in the category “Best Business under 50 employees”. The prize is given to small companies who have demonstrated extraordinary growth in an exceptionally short time span. This would not have been possible without …

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Waltham Forest Schools drumming contest

Students and teachers were taking part in a drumathon to raise money for new drumming equipment that the school is desperately in need of. The event last more than 7 hours and neither students nor staff took a break at any point. The engagement and motivation in this event was outstanding. Peter Lovell from Essex …

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Thy English Academy – The local, personable Tuition Centre

Every child is special and unique. We have made it our mission to support every child exactly the way they need it. Our teachers do not rely on standardized material with a pre-written program, but rather help enhance every child’s unique strengths and support them with their weaknesses. It is at all our teachers’ best …

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Thy English Academy’s Summer Sessions

Thy English Academy offers extra summer revision sessions for children planning to sit the 11+ exam in January, 2018. These sessions will be held on Fridays, from 11am until 5pm. This course will prepare your child specifically for local schools and will teach them everything there is to know to successfully sit the entrance exam …

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