

Tuition with the “Merton Best New Business Finalist”

As many of you already know, Thy English Academy was nominated for the finale of the Merton Best New Business Award. We are extremely proud and grateful and more determined than ever before to help more students from all sorts of backgrounds. No matter if you hadn’t had tuition before or fear that you won’t …

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Socially disadvantage children loose time

A survey has shown that the most disadvantaged children loose up to 2 years. This has come to light, since pupils receiving free school meals usually sit GCSEs 2 years later than their peers. Although government promises to close the attainment gap on a regular basis, much still needs to be done. Furthermore, there is …

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Our Service Standards

Have you checked out our Service Standards at Thy English Academy, yet? Our teaching methods are based on inspiration, knowledge and creativity. Combined with passion for the subjects we teach as well as motivation for the development of children, we operate a successful tuition company that has your child’s well-being in its best interest. A …

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International education specialists give recommendations

A group of specialists from leading countries in the area of education has been gathered to advise the UK and Scotland specifically with potential improvements for the current situation. The main focus of the project is to help children grow into confident and responsible adults. Closing the attainment gap between children from the richest and …

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Outstanding SATs results for local students

Students from Ongar Primary School have scored above average in all subjects, including reading, writing and maths. While the natural average was between 61 and 75 per cent In reading and maths, these students reached a total of around 82 per cent. The school is getting a new head teacher in September who is already …

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Merton Best Business Award Finalist

Thy English Academy is extremely proud to announce that we have been selected as a finalist for the Merton Best Business Award in the category “Best Business under 50 employees”. The prize is given to small companies who have demonstrated extraordinary growth in an exceptionally short time span. This would not have been possible without …

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Punishment for leaking exam papers

When a dad leaked information about the content of the 11+ paper earlier this year, teachers, parents and students were shocked alike. The entire year had to sit the exam again and students were furious about the extra effort they had to take. The man responsible for the re-sit, now has to take responsibility for …

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